10:30 Sung Parish Mass (main service with music, incense, children’s group and creche 60-70 minutes)
16:30 SANTA MISA EN ESPAñOL (Mass in Spanish)
18:00 NIGHT PRAYER (COMPLINE) A quiet reflective service with Gregorian chant and a rotation of instrumental music. A great way to make some spiritual space to prepare for the business of the week ahead. Run in collaboration with St Anselm’s Kennington Cross.
(2nd Sunday – 14:00 – ZIMBABWEAN MASS IN SHONA On the second Sunday of each month – the Zinafe fellowship meet for the Holy Eucharist with wonderful African singing in the Shona language)
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9am Morning Prayer 9:30 Said Mass
Tuesday 6:30pm Exposition Quiet prayer and meditation before the Blessed Sacrament Tuesday 7pm Main Midweek Mass with some music (30 mins)
Study groups for Adults and Teenagers run each term, please email for details.
Please see the homepage calendar to check that there is no irregularity in this schedule when you will be joining us.